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TIME TO Invest in yourself

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live” –Jim Rohn


Let me tell you a little about myself…

My name is Adrienne and I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach.  Growing up, I was active in a variety of sports--basketball, soccer, softball, volleyball and golf.  Comfort food and casseroles were a staple in my part of the country, but I always enjoyed eating my greens too.  I never really worried about food choices.


Then came my 30’s…

I had heard once you turn 30 you can’t eat everything you want and get away with it.  Obviously, I didn’t pay attention.  An unhealthy diet, mixed with anxiety medication and a sedentary lifestyle led to a 30 pound weight gain.  By 31, I was already dealing with high blood pressure, as my father did throughout his life.  He ultimately succumbed to his unhealthy habits at an early age, and it was a scary awakening for me.  That really drove me to start looking at the food I was consuming.  I began studying food labels extensively, noticing a lot of convenience foods being portrayed as “healthy,” but, in reality, they were packing in an excessive amount of sodium and other toxic ingredients. This made me start meal prepping and sticking to whole foods instead.  Through education, drive and dedication I was able to shed all that excess weight.  Getting back to the gym helped me to control my anxiety naturally, so that I could get off my medication.  (Note: Before stopping any prescribed medication, check with your doctor first.)  My new lifestyle suddenly became my passion. 

Passion becomes a way of life…

During the pandemic in 2020, I started to question my career choice, one in which I had spent a decade, and I realized I was no longer content.  So, I decided to incorporate my passion into a new career!  I wanted to take what I had learned and practiced for the past 7 years to help other women as well!  I currently work with women ages 30 to 65 that have experienced weight gain either due to stress or lifestyle and who want to live healthier, fitter and more energetic lives.  I help women stay accountable and hit their goals.  If you are ready to challenge yourself to live a healthier and more energetic life, I would love the opportunity to be able to guide you on your health and fitness journey.  Please contact me for a free consultation! 



"I have lost a total of 7 pounds since we started and my clothes fit better. You have given me more confidence, energy & motivation as well as taught me how to properly exercise with my injuries! I appreciate you SO much!!!"


"Adrienne pre-plans every session and tracks her clients' progress. Her attention to detail, individual approach and enthusiasm keep me motivated. Thanks, Adrienne!"


"Adrienne is pleasant and sweet, but also tough. She is extremely knowledgeable and gives great coaching advice."



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